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  • 王兴
    支持[0] 反对[0] 引用 11-19 05:43发表

       周日的徐家汇一如既往地热闹,血拼一族们双眼放光,个个露出永不满足的兴奋表情。只有David肩扛手提,在初夏的阳光下顶着一头热汗,服苦役般在人群里穿梭。在他前面悠闲走着的是他的新“女朋友”Jenny。虽然认识还不到5个小时,使馆加签,可是他乖乖地听从她的命令,心甘情愿地为她付账,参谋,然后拎起东西赶往下一个柜台。而她也心安理得,毫不客气,甚至不屑于往男装柜台上瞥一眼。两个人偶尔也有说有笑,只是他们心里都明白,他们彼此谁也不欠谁的,时间一到,也许又成了陌路人——和身边擦肩而过的每个人一样。因为David是Jenny花200元租来的“临时男友”,专职陪逛,有效期只此一天。     David25岁,工作两年,在一家外贸公司做Clerk。“在论坛上看到这个帖子的时候,我觉得很有意思,于是就按照上面的联系方法发了封Enail给那个女孩儿,没想到她真回信了,她说自己叫Jenny,深圳核销单,很好听的名字。”后来David和Jenny在MSN上谈定,David周日从上午11点开始到下午6点这段时间里陪她逛街,报酬是人民币200元。“其实我不缺这点钱,纯粹好玩而已。能想出这种主意来的女孩子,一定有意思。”     陪逛是个力气活     周日那天,David按照约定去港汇广

  • xiaomaomo
    支持[0] 反对[0] 引用 11-19 05:25发表

    It is often difficult to tell the difference between scalp psoriasis and dandruff. This is because both share similar symptoms such as itchy scalp and white flakes of dead skin cells. However, there is a difference between these two scalp problems and it's important to know the difference in order to seek the correct treatment. The first thing to note is that psoriasis may be the underlying cause of dandruff. Psoriasis is thought to be caused by immune system and a genetic predisposition to psoriasis. Quite often if a member of your family has psoriasis, you may have inherited the genes. However, not all people who have the psoriasis genes go on to develop psoriasis. People of any age can get psoriasis: children, teenagers, adults and older people. Psoriasis tends to affect males and females equally. As mentioned,ugg boots 5825, both scalp psoriasis and dandruff can cause similar symptoms. Scalp psoriasis can be triggered off by anything from cuts,purple ghd iv styler, abrasions,green

  • wangcharles
    支持[0] 反对[0] 引用 11-19 04:14发表

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